Dear Reader

I pray that my blogs are an inspiration to you. If you have any thought on your mind or request to know a thought of mine, please feel welcome to ask and make comments. We learn from one another, surely there's a valuable tid-bit of knowledge waiting to be exchanged.

God Bless you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Works of Wonder

Wonderful and mighty is He.
His Excellency amazes me.
What great works does He.
Each day He paints the sky.
Allows the Sun to rise,
and renews the breath of His people.
All day He gives strength,
and by His mercy,
He protects us.
A protector we may call Him.
Merciful and Strong I have known Him to be.
Breath of life He sent down from glory.
Warmth of sun He shines down upon us.
Beauty He makes to grow -above and below us.
All that He does is done excellently.
Oh, how wonderful and mighty is He that worketh wonders. 

I created this image on "paint." I wanted to make something that would express my thoughts and feelings. I did it!I feel bubbly inside. When I think of all that God has done for me I feel so warm. That is why I used so many colors. God's work is never dull, so never should I be.